Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
Top Employers Schools Top Employers Schools
The mission of Wiregrass Georgia Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, is to promote community, educational, and economic development by providing a trained workforce in our 11-county service area and throughout the State of Georgia. The college fulfills the mission by providing technical and academic instruction, through traditional and distance education delivery methods, leading to associate degrees, diplomas, and technical certificates of credit; customized training for new and existing industries; professional and personal development through continuing education programs; and adult education services to meet the needs of citizens, business, and industry in the service area.
Chandler Chancy
Recruitment Coordinator
Misty Crofutt
Executive Assistant to the President

Laquecia Duffie
HR Coffee Campus 229-333-5356 ext 2008
Susan Jones
Executive Assistant to Wiregrass President
Shannon McConico
VP Enrollment Mtg
April Mcduffie
Clinical Director ext 3067
Anica Newson
Mona Paulk MacKenzie
Ben Hill Foundation ext 2102
Kelly Peacock
Dean of Adult Ed and EAGLE Award Liaison
Casey Thompson
CIO Coffee Campus
Jessica Thornhill
Director of Economic Dev 229-468-2238
Elizabeth Vickers
Executive Director, Wiregrass Foundation
Michael Williams
VP Economic Dev ext 2092